While they’re not new to the flooring scene, with more than 35,000 facebook fans, Surya has been steadily gaining momentum in the home decorating market. 


Surya is a vertically-integrated manufacturer of area rugs and home accessories. For over 35 years the name Surya has been synonymous with high quality, innovation and luxury. Surya designers and weavers masterfully create some of the most versatile products to bring out the best in every room. Encompassing an expert understanding of the latest trends in fashion and interior design, each Surya product is a perfect combination of color, pattern and texture to accommodate the widest range of tastes.  - from Surya.com


Their wide selection Offers more than 250 styles, some of which are from famous designer collections such as Candice Olsen or Angelo Surmelis (HGTV).

Customers are able to shop by style, collection, designer, construction, material, and/or material, with the ability to whittle down your choices even further with advanced search options for color, size, or shape. So if you’re ever looking for a brown and red wool, kidney-shaped rug, they’ve got that.

With expansive collection of rugs ranging from children’s themes to highly refined contemporary patterns, Surya rugs can be right at home in any environment.

While the collection of styles is impressive all on its own, Surya has crossed into the home decorating industry as well, with many rugs, artwork, and soft furnishings including pillows, throws, and poufs that were designed to coordinate with their rugs.

Their website offers a great resource for those who may be a little overwhelmed by decorating. If you are searching for a cohesive look or just want a little inspiration, Surya offers great variety all in once place.

United Floor Covering recently started carrying the complete Surya line, so please don’t hesitate to contact us today if you come across a product you like!

